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Portuguese VISL
 Overview This link returns you to this navigation guide to Portuguese VISL.
 Credits View references and credits.
 Info View information specific to Portuguese VISL: Symbol sets.
Sentence Analysis
 Pre-analyzed View and work with grammatical analyses of pre-analyzed Portuguese sentences.
 Machine Analysis View and work with computer-generated grammatical analyses in various modes.
 Games Test your skills with form and function language games.
 Quizzes Test your skills with form and function quizzes.
 SDU corpus search Search collections of tagged Portuguese texts (350 million words; no password required).
 Floresta sintá(c)tica Search a Portuguese treebank (1,000,000 words, in part manually revised).
 Danish <=> Portuguese Find Danish equivalents of Portuguese words and expressions (and vice versa).
 Definitions (in Danish) Look up definitions of grammatical terms. (In Danish)
Machine Translation
 Portuguese into Danish Translate a Portuguese text into Danish.