ENGLISH CG TAGS in alphabetical order, with Europarl corpus statistics @... are function tags <...> are secondary tags ENGCG-marked tags are mostly ENGCG potentiality markers (such as valency markers), not used in corpus annotation 387 1P first person plural 448 1S first person singular 2 2P second person plural 141 2S/P second person singular/plural 138 3P third person plural 983 3S third person singular 450 -3S all but third person singular (V) 295 @>A adverbial pre-adject (ADJ, ADV or NUM as head) 84 @A< adverbial post-adject (ADJ, ADV as head) 1624 ABS absolute (ADJ) 204 ACC accusative (PERS) 1308 @ACC accusative (direct) object @A< (ENGCG) 1647 ADJ adjective 1710 ADV adverb 381 ADVL adverbial (potentiality marker) 3209 @ADVL adverbial (function) 77 @APP apposition 2249 ART article transobjective with 'as'-mediated adjective as complement transobjective with 'as'-mediated noun as complement 4 @AS< argument of header in averbal small clause 4 @AS-ADVL averbal clause functioning as adverbial attributive (ENGCG) 1205 auxiliary (secondary tag) 486 AUXMOD modal (V) 214 CARD cardinal (NUM) CENTRAL central position (determiner, ENGCG) <*CLB> clause boundary (potentiality marker, ENGCG) <**CLB> clause boundary (potentiality marker, ENGCG) 111 CMP comparative 822 @CO coordinator 1359 CONJ conjunction (KS or KC) 77 @DAT dative (indirect) object definite (ENGCG) 481 DEM demonstrative derivation affix (ENGCG) 3036 DET determiner (inflecting adjectival pronoun) preposition mediation in copula: 'down' 539 @FAUX finite auxiliary 28 FEM feminine 678 @FMV finite main verb transobjective with 'for'-mediated adjective as complement transobjective with 'for'-mediated noun as complement foreign word (ENGCG) fraction (ENGCG) 40 @FS-A< finite subclause functioning as adverbial postadject 143 @FS-ACC finite subclause functioning as direct object 197 @FS-ADVL finite subclause functioning as adverbial 498 @FS-N< finite subclause functioning as postnominal 15 @FS-P< finite subclause functioning as argument of preposition 4 @FS-SC finite subclause functioning as subject complement 56 @FS-SUBJ finite subclause functioning as subject 138 @F-SUBJ provisional subject 165 GEN genitive 9 @IAUX non-finite auxiliary 42 @ICL-A< non-finite subclause functioning as adverbial postadject 195 @ICL-ACC non-finite subclause functioning as direct object 313 @ICL-ADVL non-finite subclause functioning ad adverbial 1307 @ICL-AUX< argument of auxiliary (second or later part of verb chain) 170 @ICL-N< non-finite subclause functioning as postnominal 37 @ICL-OC non-finite subclause functioning as object complement 173 @ICL-P< non-finite subclause functioning as argument of preposition 13 @ICL-SC non-finite subclause functioning as subject complement 137 @ICL-SUBJ non-finite subclause functioning as subject 60 IMP imperative IMPF past tense (= PAST) 65 @IMV non-finite main verb 1 IN interjection 1 INDEP --> INDP 1779 INDP independent pronoun (non-inflectin noun-like) 1145 INF infinitive 543 INFM infinitive marker (form) 543 @INFMARK infinitive marker (function) interrogative (ENGCG) preposition mediation in copula: 'into' 840 KC coordinating conjunction 519 KS subordinating conjunction 40 MASC masculine 3135 main verb (secondary tag) 57 @MV< verb-incorporated particle 5669 N noun 5560 @>N prenominal 1334 @N< postnominal 39 NEG negative 6517 NOM nominative 66 @NPHR stray noun phrase (top node function) nominal (secondary tag, ENGCG) non-modifiable (secondary potentiality tag, ENGCG) 272 NUM numeral 62 @OC object complement 58 ORD ordinal (NUM) preposition mediation in copula: 'out' 1611 P plural

preposition-governing valency 2960 @P< argument of preposition 223 PAST past tense 521 PCP1 participle 1 (-ing forms) 770 PCP2 participle 2 (-ed forms) PED --> PCP2 (visl-teaching) 924 PERS personal pronoun PING --> PCP1 (visl-teaching) 11 PL... --> P (ENGCG) possessive (ENGCG) 117 POST post-positioned (determiner, ENGCG) 1331 PR present tense 55 PRE pre-positioned (determiner, ENGCG) 2566 PRON pronoun (DET, INDP, PERS) proper noun (N) PROP proper noun (where treated as independent word class) 2865 PRP preposition 311 PU punctuation quantifier (ENGCG) rare reading (ENGCG) reflexive (ENGCG) relative (ENGCG) 4717 S singular 54 S1/3 first or third person singular (V) 500 @SC subject complement 39 SG... --> S (ENGCG) 168 -S1/3 all but first or third person singular (V) 7 SG/PL --> S/P 2710 S/P singular/plural (underspecified) 311 @START text start marker 519 @SUB subordinator 808 SUBJ subject (potentiality marker) 2301 @SUBJ subject (function) 14 SUBJUNCTIVE subjunctive 41 SUP superlative intransitive (V) copula with adjective complement copula with noun complement monotransitive (V) transobjective with adjective complement transobjective with noun complement ditransitive (V) title noun (ENGCG) <up/...> preposition mediation in copula: 'up' 4509 V verb <Vcog> cognitive verb (cp. <vq> for other VISL-parsers) 2072 VFIN finite verb (PR, PAST/IMPF, IMP) 374 WH interrogative or relative (wh-word)